The teach widget proposes three different teach procedures. 

  • Single-Value
  • Two-Value
  • Dynamic

All 3 procedures can be used with all SSC modes.
The widget recognizes the amount of needed setpoints for the SSC mode to teach.
The user is guided through the chosen procedure with instructions and illustrations In order to facilitate the successful teach operation.

After the teach procedure a success window is displayed to confirm the changes have
been applied.

Teach Procedures
Single-Value Teach

Single-Value teach copies the actual measurement value directly into the setpoint at the moment of the teach instruction.

Two-Value Teach

The Two-Value teach procedure needs 2 teachpoints per setpoint.

The setpoint is then placed in the middle of the two teach points.

Dynamic Teach

The Dynamic teach procedure defines a setpoint by averaging the sensors measurement value over a given or triggered period of time.